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On the Heart-Path

Writer's pictureMayur Srivastava

Be guided by the love & wisdom of your heart

Deep inside our heart there is a place where we are completely at peace.

A place of love, wisdom, joy and unity.

It is a place that is in unity with our higher self or higher consciousness.

It is a place of connection with the love and wisdom that we are by divine nature.

It always has been, always is and always will be in that unity.

We have simply forgotten as over time and over many different experiences, we have covered this place with many layers of emotions.

These emotions influence our thoughts which then translate into our words and into the stories we are telling ourselves about ourselves, others and the world.

These stories inform our actions, create our habits and become our external realities.

We call it self-fulfilling prophesies. What it means, however, is that we are the creators of our experiences and realities. There is no such thing as ‘realistic’ or ‘non-realistic’ for what is true for you inside, becomes your reality.

So then the question becomes, what is the reality I chose to create?

Anything we experience in the world provides an opportunity for us to turn inwards and ask: how do I chose to respond to this experience?

Do I chose to respond from and with the love and wisdom of my heart?

And if I do, what is the experience, the reality I create in that moment?

The only way to find out is to try out!

From my heart to yours,


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