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On the Heart-Path

A gentle soul with deep presence and clarity gained through her own life-journey.


Gabriele started in the corporate world of luxury retail before becoming the mother of twin sons and a daughter. A severe accident during the birth of her daughter gifted her with the experience of healing, transformation and rejuvenation of body, heart and soul and ultimately led her to reconnect with her own inner well, listening deeply to her innermost voice and journeying on the heart-path. Supporting, facilitating and guiding others in this, has become her profession with great passion, compassion and fulfillment.


Gabriele facilitates inner growth, nature-connection, heart-yoga, body-zen and regenerative circular economy in schools, universities, companies, temples and  during  1-1 and group-retreats.


She is also the author of Taiwan. The Hidden Jewel. in German, published in her native Austria in 2018.

She has resided in Taipei since 2009, in Asia since 2001.


‘I envision, I see, I feel a world where every human being is fully connected with their inner well, listening deeply to the guidance of their innermost voice, living, leading and creating from the heart for the wellbeing of the whole.’

3% of my revenue and 1-1 support goes directly to supporting fellow humans in creating their sustainable life in harmony with nature.

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